This is our second to last article in our content marketing series. In previous weeks we’ve gone over how to create a content strategy, how to brainstorm content ideas and how to create SEO-friendly content.
This week we’re focusing on how to promote your content so that you earn readers and more importantly, earn their trust and business.
Content is a good way to boost your keyword rankings, but if your target audience is not reading any of it, then your content is only doing part of its job. This article discusses five different and comprehensive ways to promote your content effectively.
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Online advertising is by no means necessary when it comes to promoting your content, but it can yield great results. When used properly, online advertising is one of the least risky investments you can make for your business. If you’re thinking of incorporating advertising into your content strategy then make sure you consider these six tips before you begin.
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Not all social media channels are created equally. Each one calls for a unique voice and a certain type of content. This article goes over a variety of channels and how best to encourage interaction while delivering excellent customer experience.
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Guest blogging used to be an effective SEO tactic, but it has been abused and now Matt Cutts wants to put fear into the hearts of unsavory SEO companies that use blackhat SEO tactics. Google's aim is to deliver the best search experience possible and they want to deliver that through their complex algorithms. They don’t want anyone trying to game the system which is what some guest bloggers were doing. If you’re finding relevant and highly ranked influencers in your field and writing or promoting content that is helpful and well-written, then you should be safe.
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