In the weeks leading up to April 21, 2015, also known as ‘mobile doomsday’, there was a lot of speculation. Almost every SEO blog was talking about the ‘end-of-days’ for non-mobile-friendly websites.
It was with good reason that the SEO and Internet marketing community sounded the alarms. Very seldom does Google come out with an official announcement when they update their algorithm. Not only did Google make it official, they gave us a precise date in time along with details about the update. So what happened?
Here we are 4 weeks out from the dreaded day and has the sky fallen? We’ve been watching the rankings closely and we’ve found very little sign of significant impact. SEO authorities like and Search Engine Land have been reporting similar findings.
We’re not saying that 'mobilegeddon' has been a bust. In the past Google has made updates that have had significant impact, but with this most recent update, it just doesn’t seem to have happened the way the industry thought it would. All that said we strongly urge you to keep an eye on your mobile rankings and if you don’t have a mobile-friendly site – start planning for it.
If your customers can’t navigate your non-mobile website there’s a higher risk of losing that engagement with your brand. So, the reason you should consider a mobile website should be less about SEO ranking and more about user experience and conversion optimization.
Contact us to make your site mobile-friendly today.